Software Development Blog
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Vue vs React - Which One is Better for Your App? Similarities & Differences
Some time ago, I decided to improve my skills related to frontend parts of web applications. From a list of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, I chose Vue and it was a love from the first 'To-do List'. The fruit of that love is Evally - an open-source single page application to evaluate and manage employees correspondingly to their soft and technical skills.
FULL ARTICLE8 Ruby on Rails Podcasts That Will Expand Your Horizons
Podcasts popularity around the globe grows very rapidly. Need proof? In the United States alone within the last 13 years, the % of +12 years old Americans who at least once listened to podcasts rose from 10 to 51! It means, that by the end of 2019 around 144 million people in the USA were doing groceries, riding a bike or cleaning their houses, simultaneously getting some interesting information straight to their ears.
FULL ARTICLEHow to Enroll in the Apple Developer Program and Why It’s So Important?
Each app entrepreneur's dream is to see his/her app in the App Store. Especially as the mobile app store owned by Apple revenue grows rapidly year to year! In 2019 it was estimated to be 54.2 billion $ compared to 2018 46.6 billion. So as you can see, there is definitely a huge potential of publishing your app in there!
Freelancer / Software House: 7 Factors You Need to Take Into Account
So, you are looking for someone who will turn your amazing app idea into reality. Should I hire a software house or maybe a freelancer? That is probably the most common question that every rising product owner asks themselves.
FULL ARTICLE9 Issues Your Business Struggle With During Pandemic
It’s truly difficult to write about business these days. When most of the companies were publishing other pieces about remote work and how the pandemic will hit our economy, I was beating with thoughts in my head for days wondering, whether I should also approach this topic or not.
FULL ARTICLEHow To Evaluate a Project Success : 5 Questions You Should Answer
Running a business is not a piece of cake. Many projects fail or are discontinued while creating process. On the Internet, we can read about many different examples of unsuccessful stories.
FULL ARTICLESwift vs React Native Which One Should You Choose to Build Mobile App?
In the last few years, mobile development has become very influential and beneficial. Many different companies think about creating an app for their service (to, for example, streamline the cost management in their company) or develop one as their product, which will become valuable for the users. Both approaches are focused around the idea, that app development purpose is to bring you money. And it is definitely achieveable!
How to Become a Better Junior Developer: 5 Healthy Habits to Learn Right Away
Nowadays lots of people want to get started their professional careers as web developers. The perspective of a really good income in the future and working in the IT sector, where the demand for people is very high (even for entry level jobs!) attracts many people to these kinds of jobs.
FULL ARTICLEGolang Tutorial - How to Implement CLI App in 4 Steps Using Cobra?
According to the research, there are between 500 and 2000 active general-purpose programming languages around the world. That's a crazy lot! Yet - the new languages still appear, dethroning some of the old ones. That's why as a self-aware developer you should keep an eye on the latest trends on the market because who knows, maybe the language that you are developing your apps in today, won't be as desirable in the future?
FULL ARTICLE7 Books on UX Design That I Will Read or Revisit in 2020
I love reading books! Especially those, that help me to grow/develop myself as a UX designer. Why books - you will ask me since we have so many different and FREE articles and podcasts available online. Am I not afraid, that the knowledge inside them is outdated? My answer is NO!