Discovery Phase

  • Can you accurately determine business goals of your future application?
  • Can you identify your target audience and their expectations and motivations for the product you are developing?
  • Do you have a project idea, but it is not supported by business analysis and market research?

Check out the Discovery Phase service offered by Railwaymen, which will give your business idea the right foundation backed by an initial research and project development process.

Let's create something amazing together!

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Product Discovery Phase: business and technical requirements

To make your final product relatable to reality and also meet the needs of your audience, it's important to follow the right steps. One of them is Project Discovery Phase, which can bring your application closer to success.

Truly bespoke software cannot be made without prior research & business analysis. So, if you have an app idea and nothing else - this consulting service is dedicated to you!

During Discovery Phase software development workshops, we can provide first wireframes and prototypes of your app and verify your idea together. In the result, our Discovery Phase team is also able to ask more questions to understand the purpose of specific features and think about the most appropriate technology stack.

The Tools We Use During Discovery Phase Development

To determine whether your app idea have a potential to succeed, we use Data Analysis and UX Design tools.

Discover the entire Discovery Phase process presented as a project timeline

From gathering data and doing competition analysis to preparing your entire app documentation - step by step

Background and user base
Client Interview
Background Research
  • Statistics
  • Target groups definition
  • Competition analysis
User Personas and User Journeys
  • Creating User Personas
  • Finding user needs, motivations and frustrations
  • Creating user journeys
Features Brainstorming
  • Initial tech estimate
  • Business considerations (eg. monetization)
  • Rating feature value
User Experience
User StoriesUML
  • Use case diagram
  • Activity Diagram
  • Communication Diagram
Lo-Fi Wireframes
Technical Analysis
Technical Research
  • Tech Constraints
  • Technologies used
  • Proposed architecture
  • Integrations
  • Non-technical requirements (HIPAA,GDPR etc.)

Curious about how we're going to present the entire project vision in around 30-pages Discovery Phase report?

Download the simplified version below! Prepared on a real - life example, with our developers technological analysis, lo-fi wireframes and much, much more.

What Will You Receive After the Discovery Phase is Done (Project Discovery Checklist)

If you decide for us, you'll not only gain yourself a technological partner - but business one as well. That's something that distinguishes us from other software houses. As we have experience with building software development project that gets into INC 5000 or is backed by Forbes, we'll simply help you make money on your app!

Validation of your project scope
A confirmation that there is a real demand on the market for your product, based on thorough research and hard data. And an honest answer, if it's not.
Wireframes and/or mockups
Thanks to very basic wireframes, you'll be able to see your app for the first time!
Basic design guidelines
You'll receive an entire design guidelines for your app project, that can be easily implemented by ours or external UX Designers.
Initial technical requirements
A rich in data and backed by deep research report will help you to adjust your project requirements to your target audience. And minimize the risk of failure.
Technical Documentation
With product Discovery Phase you will receive an entire technical documentation for your app idea. Based on that, every discovery team will be able to deliver it.
Monetization Strategy
Choosing the right, adjusted to your users monetization strategy is a challenge. We will do that for you!

Business & Technology Articles From Our Blog

How to validate your app idea? What you need to start your app development project right? Why app development is so expensive? We're not afraid of difficult questions and answer them regularly on our blog!

more blog posts

Prepare for your app development process with Discovery Phase to minimize the risk of failure!

Request our expertize

Are you looking for something else?

Learn more about our other services:

Railwaymen Web Development Services
Web Development
Front-end and back-end developers from our team will use their exceptional programming skills, to transform your idea into a fully-functional product. And then - our quality assurance team will mercilessly break it, looking for any weak spots, that could endanger your project success.
Web Development
Railwaymen Mobile Development Services
Mobile Development
The mobile app market is constantly growing, with people wanting access to their apps anywhere they are. So if you don’t have a mobile version of your app - you are already losing with those competitors who have. Change that and build top mobile custom software with us now!
Mobile Development
Railwaymen Product Design Services
Product Design
A great design is something that may decide, whether the user chooses your app or the competitor one. We’re not talking here only about how great it looks, but is it intuitive to navigate as well. Our UX/UI designers will make sure that your app ticks both these boxes!
Product Design
Railwaymen Discovery Phase Services
Discovery Phase
Truly tailor-made software solutions cannot be made without prior research & analysis. Luckily, more than 150 web & mobile apps already developed allow us to advise, what exactly your custom software needs to do, to fulfill your business needs.
Discovery Phase
Railwaymen MVP Development Services
MVP Development
Before your application wins the hearts of your audience it is worth getting to know their feedback. For this purpose, the MVP App Development service can be helpful. We will develop a basic version of your application in order to compare it with the expectations of the target audience. Find out what functionalities your product should have and evolve it based on the information gained.
MVP Development
Railwaymen Digital Transformation Services
Digital Transformation
Business development in modern era isn't only about improving stationary operations. It's also opening up to a digital business model. With Digital Transformation, companies have the opportunity to expand their services with an additional promotional and sales channel, while reaching new customers. Explore how your business can step to a higher level by opening up to the possibilities of the digital world. Let's get digital with Railwaymen!
Digital Transformation
Marketing Software Development
FinTech App Development
The world of finance surrounds us every day. To better understand its mechanisms and facilitate the management of this sector, more and more FinTech solutions are being developed. Explore alternatives to the e-commercial solutions you are familiar with, traditional banking or even accounting.
FinTech App Development
Railwaymen MVP Development Services
Social Networking Software
In 2020 the number of active mobile social media users reached over 4 billion. Living in a modern, busy world shows that online communication and social media networks play a big part in our lives. Together with us you will build a social app that your users will love.
Social Networking Software
Railwaymen MVP Development Services
Restaurant App Development
Is it possible to run a data driven business in the FoodTech industry? Sure it is! As we are real pros when it comes to building restaurant management web and mobile applications we'll create for you a software, that will greatly increase your profits!
Restaurant App Development
Construction Software Development
Construction Software Development
Construction technology solutions (contech in short) are everything software - related that you can use within your construction company to make it more efficient. Cost estimation software, education platform for your contractors or AI based design tools - you name it!
Construction Software Development
Marketing Software Development
Custom Marketing Software Development
Together with digital revolution, the marketers work becomes more and more challenging. But with the right tools, you can reach your customers much easier! Marketing automation software and other solutions will help you raise your ROI and brand awareness significantly.
Marketing Software Development
Marketing Software Development
EdTech App Development
The education industry is opening up to the opportunities presented by modern technology. Explore EdTech apps from Railwaymen that are revolutionizing existing knowledge acquisition.
EdTech App Development
Maximize efficiency and speed with our DevOps services. By integrating development and operations, we streamline your software delivery through automation, enhanced collaboration, and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). Stay ahead of the competition—optimize your workflows and accelerate your deployment with our expert DevOps solutions. Transform your development process with us now!

We are real!

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Joanna Brzezińska-Wajda - Head of Sales

Joanna Brzezińska-Wajda

Head of Sales