Software Development Blog - E-commerce
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Exploring mCommerce: Defining the Mobile Shopping Experience
Online sales have revolutionized the previous concept of shopping. Nowadays, we can purchase goods without having to leave home, all thanks to the mobile devices we own. I decided to take a closer look at this phenomenon and see what role mobile commerce plays in the context of non-stationary shopping.
FULL ARTICLEReasons for choosing Ruby on Rails for e-commerce projects
The growth of the e-commerce industry in recent years has led more and more companies to invest in customized solutions. One of the biggest dilemmas when developing an e-commerce platform is the choice of the framework on which to build it. Even though Angular and Express are popular, Ruby on Rails is used in many solutions as well. What makes developers increasingly bold to develop online stores in RoR? What are the benefits of opening up to this framework? We will try to find a concise answer to these and many more questions.
FULL ARTICLEThe impact of mobile apps on the growth of the e-commerce industry
The development of the e-commerce industry is expanding its scope every year. More and more people are becoming convinced to shop online. Large selection, time saving express delivery are just a few reasons that speak in favour of web purchasing. Also, the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to the popularization of online shopping. But the real game changer has been mobile apps that can be downloaded to any smartphone.
FULL ARTICLETips for creating own successful marketplace
It is not difficult to name today's successful marketplace platforms. The vision of becoming the next Amazon, Uber, eBay or Airbnb drives many entrepreneurs who want to effectively sell their products or services to the world. But, the road to such a scale of success requires many sacrifices and thoughtful actions at every stage of the business. That is why we decided to prepare a guide to help you take the first steps in creating a solid sales platform. Who knows, maybe after following our advice, your marketplace will become a global success. We keep our fingers crossed for that! In the meantime, take a look at the tips we have prepared.