Software Development Blog
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What is an MVP in Agile Software Development and How Much Does it Cost
According to the Business of Apps research, 42% of mobile applications fail because of poor understanding of the market and target audience needs, the next 19% because of weak product core. Unfortunately, many startups face a lot of issues, such as wrong market timing, premature scaling, or cost problems.
FULL ARTICLE10 Ruby on Rails Blogs You Should Be Following [2025 Update]
Do you want to keep up-to-date with Ruby on Rails? Great! You're in the right place. Recently, I did some research among RoR Developers working at the Railwaymen and discovered the best blogs with high-quality knowledge.
Whether you're looking to surface the best of what's new or you want to get familiar with the experiences that other experts have had with the open-source framework, this article is for you.
FULL ARTICLEA Complete Apple Pay Integration Tutorial - How to Do it Right?
Carrying around cash has become less and less popular these days. After all, why you should worry about losing those precious banknotes from your wallet when you can have all your money safe & sound on your credit card or - on your phone.
FULL ARTICLETools to Knock Out Agile Project Management

77% of high-performing projects use software for project management.
If you're working in an agile environment, you know firsthand that you can’t deliver the results and standards that are expected of you without proper management tools.
A high-quality project needs specialized software that can meet the individual needs and requirements of each client.
FULL ARTICLEWhen Money Isn't Enough: the Most Expensive Apps that Failed
The statistics are ruthless. Up to two-thirds of the apps in leading consumer app store catalogs receive fewer than 1,000 downloads in their first year, and a significant part of them — gets no downloads at all! How is it even possible, mobile apps are supposed to be a true goldmine right? Well — it depends.
FULL ARTICLEHow to Implement the Design Thinking Process in Software Development
Design is no longer only about creating a pixel-perfect page. If you're familiar with today's software market, you know firsthand that the standards for what makes a quality app have risen drastically. Most users expect ease of use, a fast loading time, and intuitive interaction that delivers real value.
FULL ARTICLERuby vs. PHP - Which One Is Right for Your Project?
The clash of titans: Airbnb and Basecamp versus Facebook and Yahoo! The first two were built with Ruby on Rails, the next with PHP. But whose right? What side are you on?
FULL ARTICLEHow to Validate Your App Idea? [5 Simple Steps]
When you invest your time and money in some new projects, you naturally want to maximize its chances to succeed. But is it even possible, in a mysterious and often unpredictable world of software development? The answer is yes, it is! The days when you could rely on your hunch or your friends' opinion are over - now it's all about market research and hard data. You may be thinking, "Fine, but first, I want to put my product on the market - I can deal with this whole research later." Wrong!
What You Didn’t Know About Outsourcing IT Projects In Europe [Choosing The Right Software Company]
Are you facing major business challenges and want to solve them, as well as lower internal costs?
Then there’s one word for you: outsourcing.
When it comes to IT, exclusively working in-house is becoming a thing of the past.
Outsourcing is a smarter way of doing business that can cut costs by up to 60%, save time and offer you an invaluable advantage over your competition.
FULL ARTICLEHow To Find The Right Software Development Partner For SMEs
You've finally decided to grow your business with a tech partner. That’s great.
Choose the right one and you'll increase quality, workflow efficiency and profit.
Choose the wrong one and you'll double your work and lose precious resources trying to recover your project. More importantly, you'll lose trust within your own organization.