Software Development Blog
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Railwaymen recognized as top software and web developers in Poland
Every day brings us new challenge tasks, creates exciting possibilities to upgrade programming skills and helps to develop our company. We would like to share with you some important information.
FULL ARTICLEUX for mobile devices
Railwaymen mobile team would like to share with you a few tips, that are important esepcially when you design mobile application. User Experience is an issue you can not avoid. Many times the succes of an app is also definied because of a good UX too. Even when the devices are different with iOS or Android, there are some things that are useful for both!
FULL ARTICLEGamification, how it works?
According to public opinion research Gallup institute, up to 63% of employees worldwide are engaged in their work, and 23% of employees are not involved in the tasks. Managers of course want the employees that like their job and are fully involved, how to achieve it?
FULL ARTICLELauren Pawell is telling her success story
In this article, we would like to introduce the success story of Laura Pawell.
FULL ARTICLEGet insight into Polish Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Workshops, meet us on March 11 and learn and enjoy free knowledge!
Our Free Ruby on Rails Workshops are the best way to spend your time coding and learning.
FULL ARTICLEStartups on the top
Krakow has become the greatest place for technology business in Poland last time. The word “startup” exists in our life day by day and grow up many times in real products that are offered by companies. I would like to point out three important issues that you have to remember when you create tech start-up.
FULL ARTICLEInternetBeta 2014 - summary of the conference
Last week we have visited Kielnarowa, a small village nearby Rzeszów. Between meadows and forest, in Centre for Tourism and Recreation WSISiZ InternetBeta conference was held. We arrived on Wednesday 10th of September in early morning, just in time to watch the first speech. This was unique time when representatives of various fields and industries related to the Internet and new technologies meet in one place to discuss many important issues concerning their jobs and conducted projects.
FULL ARTICLEThe Entrepriseappen - construction management app for better process
Today we would like to tell you about one of our completed mobile projects. The Entrepriseappen is a construction project management software available on iOS and Android, designed to help manage various aspects of a construction business. This construction management software solution enhances project efficiency by providing features for project planning, resource management, and integration with other tools.