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Have no fear, Kotlin is here - a few notes on Kotlin programming language
"Life is great and everything will be ok, Kotlin is here”- claimed Christina Lee and Jake Wharton during their talk on Google I/O 2017 conference. Kotlin programming language seemed to be one of the widest discussed topics during and after the conference. Mobile technologies market is very dynamic, and it seems that introduction of the new officially supported by Google language will change a lot the way we develop Android apps in next years.
FULL ARTICLEF8 Conference - What Facebook launched?
F8 Conference was organized in San Francisco by one of the most popular social network influencer Mark Zuckerberg. Although it is intended primarily for developers, with the news presented on it, we can all figure out how Facebook will look in the nearest future.
FULL ARTICLETest Driven Development TDD for reducing costs of software development
Test Driven Development (TDD), developed by Kent Beck in the late 1990's as part of Extreme Programming, is a technique for building products that guides software development by writing tests. Nowadays it is recognized as one of the best ways to ensure software quality and fits superbly into widely used Agile methodologies of IT project management.
FULL ARTICLEEmployer Branding Days Conference
As a software development company, Railwaymen is constantly focused on finding the best developers on the software market. On 11.04.2017 we participated in a conference organized by Absolvent Talent Days and Absolvent Consulting Company.
FULL ARTICLERailwaymen is an Emerging Polish Web and Software Developer by Clutch
Poland has remained a rapidly growing tech hub, catering to high-profile, international clients to fill the seemingly unending demand for highly skilled web and software developers. We felt honored to be included in new research released by Clutch, a Washington, D.C. based B2B ratings and review firm. Clutch analysts evaluated Railwaymen across a number of qualitative and quantitative factors, including client satisfaction and proven ability to deliver.
FULL ARTICLEThe best of 2016 - an overview of the most important moments
It’s been a while, but January was very busy for us, and finally it’s a great time to look back over the last 12 months of 2016 and remind ourselves of all the incredible things we’ve done and our achievements from last year once again. So, let’s start!
In many ways, 2016 was a splendid year for Railwaymen: new projects, new employees, fantastic events and much more! Read below about our accomplishments.
CodeEurope - The largest programming conference in Poland
It has been a special day on December 5th in view of the fact that the largest Polish programming conference took place in Krakow. Together with Railwaymen team, we spent the whole day on interesting workshops and lectures concerning IT world.
FULL ARTICLEUSB OTG - unknown strength of mobile devices
We all know that nowadays smartphones are more powerful than most of the computers 20 years ago. They became immanent part of our lives. Some of us use them way more often that regular PCs or laptops. However, there are some functionalities that distinguish smartphones from computers. One of them is the ability to connect peripherals like pendrives, mice, keyboards or monitors. Is it really a functionality that is out of reach for smartphones users?
FULL ARTICLEChrome Extensions and Shadow DOM
In my opinion (from developer POV) Google Chrome is the best browser nowadays. One of its best features is supporting almost all of the latest trends and technologies exist in JS world. It also supports Shadow DOM API which is the topic of this post.
FULL ARTICLENew possibilities of BLE beacons
Internet of Things (IoT) seems to be in the limelight regarding the newest trends in mobile technology for some time. Interaction between our devices and the surroundings appears to be inevitable in the modern world. The most common term which can be heard when talking about IoT is „beacon”. There are many rumours about those small devices- their usability and capabilities. How do they actually work and for what purposes can we use them? What has changed about their technology for the last few months?