Railwaymen Summary - What happened in 2015?

Anna Klepacka | 8th January 2016

January often tends to the summaries and resolutions. Railwaymen has also done some. 2015 was a good time for us, many new projects were successfully realized, our portfolio has been extended with brands from different branches and new employees have been employed. This year was marked by the intensive and dynamic development of our company.

Table of Contents:

1. Railwaymen Summary.

2. Our projects.

3. Ruby on Rails Workshops.

4. Clutch award.

5. Plans for 2016.

Railwaymen Summary

Railwaymen Summary - What happened in 2015? 

We are very happy, because Railwaymen is still growing, started as a small company, established by 3 friends who share a passion for Ruby on Rails and now hire more than 30 people and still searching for talented ones.

Our projects


During 2015, we were expanding portfolio with mobile apps, cooperation with a startup HomeAhead. The company operating in the real estate, product owner Homeahead Wishlist. This product is a fresh idea in this kind of industry. Wishlist Homeahead application is available on iOS and Android. Moreover, it is possible to install the extension for Chrome that works similar to wishlist. Applications are available on the AppStore and GooglePlay, the extension can be downloaded directly from the HomeAhead website.

How does application work?

The application allows you to create wishlist. Thanks to integration with popular real estate sites in the US, such as Redfin, Homes, Realtor, PrivateLabel, HAR, etc., the user view the property on the mention websites, can add them to the appropriate wishlist. In addition to adding to wishlist using the button, there is also the possibility of adding real estate directly from the application by typing the address or link to the property.

It is possible to invite other users to your wishlist who see added to the property and each of them can comment. To comment, you can add an attachment, e.x. video, picture, pdf. We are currently working on the chat that allows conversation between all members of the wishlist.

The application is continuously developed mainly on the feedback from the market.

Plumli - meet women like you

Another project which has been realized by Railwaymen in 2015. Plumli has been designed to help women meet friends who share similar interest. The application was founded to make new friends online and meet them offline. The website was built with Ruby on Rails and you can check more info about it here.

Ruby on Rails Workshops

In March, we organized Ruby on Rails workshops. The aim was to improve students’ skills in Ruby on Rails and solve the real existing problems. 

Clutch award

In 2015, Railwaymen was recognized as top software and web developers in Poland! This distinction was very valuable for us, cause the highly weighted component was opinion and feedback from our clients. Good for us! :)

Plans for 2016

What about our plans for 2016? We are sure it will be a fantastic and busy time for our team.

First of all, brand new office in the middle of Polish Silicon Valley - Krakow. This is one of the biggest startup ecosystems in the world and also one of the world’s 10 destinations in the outsourcing for startup.

Second of all, our team is growing really fast. We are constantly looking for new talented people, so if you want to join our great team, check current job offers.

Third of all, we are going to establish new relationship with clients from the different business sectors.

We will do our best to represent Railwaymen to the highest standards and our team is ready for the new ambitious challenges.

Stay tuned with us!

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