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Google Queries, Railwaymen Responds #1 - Ruby on Rails
It's time for the new blog series in which we will track the most frequently asked questions on Google related to our areas of business and provide substantive answers with the help of Railwaymen experts. As the first topic, I have decided to choose the foundation of our company's business - the Ruby on Rails framework used to develop our Ruby applications. In this article, substantive support is provided by Michał Szymański - Senior Ruby on Rails Developer at Railwaymen, for whom the framework has practically no secrets.
Application security in a Software House from a DevOps perspective
Security and data protection are a priority for every client commissioned to develop applications, as well as for software development companies. For any software house, where there are many projects and customer demands for fast turnaround, maintaining the highest security standards is mandatory.
FULL ARTICLEAdapting to the Digital Era: From Banking to Fintech-as-a-Service
The digitalisation of businesses is spreading across a wide range of industries. The world of finance has also changed significantly in recent years, incorporating technological solutions into its structures. Modern banking is not only traditional banking based on fixed branches and traditional business models. It is first and foremost a sector where modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and advanced data analytics systems are in daily use.
FULL ARTICLEMaximizing Business Efficiency with OCR Automation Technology
Enterprise automation helps companies improve their operational efficiency. A key part of this process is OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology. It converts unstructured data in documents into valuable digital information. In this article, you will learn about OCR and how it enhances business capabilities due to automation. Also, you will discover how OCR automation in the enterprise can impact your outcomes.
FULL ARTICLEBreaking Down Agile: The Importance of User Stories
Agile software development is a practice that most technology companies are reaching for. Because of the benefits it brings in terms of flexibility, efficiency and large layers of effectiveness. Particular attention should be paid to user stories, which are part of agile software development. It is a tool that defines every detail, even the smallest one, in a project. In this text, I will introduce you to what exactly user stories are, what role they play in a project and why you should pay more attention to them during the development process.
FULL ARTICLEBuilding a DevOps Culture: The Path to Implementation Success
The DevOps methodology has enjoyed growing recognition in the software development community for many years. Its integration brings together post-graphical and operational dependencies, but also impacts on performance levels. What exactly is DevOps? What significance does it have in the perspective of the entire project? What do DevOps Engineers face on a daily basis? I will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.
FULL ARTICLEWhat benefits can accrue from a customized software development?
In the age of digitalization, more and more companies are keen to develop customized business software. It is difficult to point to a single tried-and-tested solution that could meet all the needs of every market participant. This is why dedicated software becomes the most cost-effective choice. What are the characteristics of a customized approach to software development, and what benefits does it bring to the companies that opt for it? You will get the necessary answers to these and many other doubts in the following article.
FULL ARTICLEHow to effectively plan and implement application features?
Building a good mobile application is an extremely arduous task that requires proper planning and knowledge of its potential audience. Selecting its features is often a challenge for its creators, as they have to combine expectations with capabilities at a common point. How, then, do you find that perfect balance and choose features that satisfy both the app’s creators and consumers? I will answer these and many other concerns in the following text. So reach for your favorite tea and enjoy the article.
FULL ARTICLEImproving FoodTech app: The Digital Wallet feature in the food service
The service industry in the aspect of ordering food has scored a significant development in recent years. Nowadays, the ability to purchase a meal from a restaurant to your home is not limited to calling the establishment directly and settling with the food supplier. It is becoming difficult to find a FoodTech company that doesn't allow its customers to order food online or via a mobile app. What's more, options for billing via a digital wallet have also increased, giving users more options than before.
FULL ARTICLETop 7 mobile apps using Kotlin language
Among modern technological solutions, Kotlin has emerged at the front of the peloton, gaining immense popularity among mobile application developers. Its elegant syntax, performance and many other advantages have made developers and representatives of corporations open to digital transformation reach for it more and more boldly. For this reason, I decided to prepare a summary of the 7 most popular current examples of mobile applications realized with Kotlin. In addition, you will learn how this programming language looks against the competition available on the market.