4 reasons why your project needs Discovery Phase

Przemysław Łata | 15th October 2021

Digital projects face many challenges on the way to success. In each of them, it is essential to pay special attention to the Discovery Phase. This is an element that can influence the final result of the project and, what is the most important, will avoid many surprises during realisation. Here are 5 reasons why your project needs a Discovery Phase.

Table of Contents:

1. What is the Discovery Phase?

1.1. Discover better solutions.

1.2. Focus on achieving the objectives.

1.3. Understand user behaviour.

1.4. Save money and avoid wrong decisions.

2. Who should use the Discovery Phase of a project?


What is the Discovery Phase?

Imagine you are back in your school days and your task is to write an essay. The first stage will be to collect appropriate materials thanks to which you will create an interesting text. In this way you are likely to produce a well-thought-out piece of work that will be highly evaluated by your teacher. This stage before preparing the official version can be compared to the Discovery Phase

Discovery Phase

The discovery phase is a process that requires research and analysis to verify the customer's idea for application. It's also a rough draft that includes features and wireframes of the emerging application. Using the client's information and data, we create a written document that will ease the process of creating an application. Its purpose is to define what will be developed, how and why throughout the development process. It does not have any code. This step is about understanding the needs and expectations of the target group and defining the full framework of our project. Moreover, DP allows you to expect adversities that may happen during the implementation phase, such as higher costs or longer lead times. The implementation of the service increases chances of the final success of the project.

Discover better solutions

DP provides an opportunity to develop the project based on your idea and prepared materials. Also, the service allows you to expand your knowledge. Thanks to this, the activities undertaken are not limited to the solutions proposed by the client. In an effort to avoid problems during application development, the project team analyzes technical research and existing blockers. These are often even better and cheaper compared to those proposed by the client.

Discovery Phase of a project

Thanks to the research stage, developers can present the client with the exact course of the planned activities. It is important to familiarize the clients with the technologies and alternatives so that they can estimate the budget they will spend on the project.

Focus on achieving the objectives

Staying within a budget and complying with a project's requirements does not guarantee success. It is more important to set concrete objectives to be achieved. These include for example improving conversions or increasing the number of leads. Only such specified assumptions are able to maintain the adopted form of the project during production. Thanks to Discovery Phase, achieving this is not a problem. 

Project Discovery Phase

That is why it is worth preparing an appropriate plan and striving to achieve it. In this way you can prevent many risks or have an impact on their reduction. The wrong technologies, uncertainty about your product from users, or communication problems. Effective planning can address all these. With the help of DP, you can choose the situations presented at the outset and, according to the plan, avoid their occurrence.

Understand user behaviour

With the Discovery Phase of a project, you can get to know your audience better. You'll gain knowledge about their habits, behaviour, and motivations. This information allows you to draw conclusions and adapt your digital platform to your users' needs. You'll be able to provide everything your competitors can't. In this way, you will not only get them interested in your application, but encourage them to download it and use it often.

Why you need Discovery Phase

The research carried out as part of the DP is not only theory. It often involves collecting opinions among buyers-sellers, in the case of online shops. When creating an app for a particular industry, it is extremely useful to get feedback from people who know the app from the ground up. After all, they are the ones who know the pain points of their business very well and know what can work in their reality.

Save money and avoid wrong decisions

After getting the research and knowing user needs, you can define your budget correctly. It is not difficult to develop an app that will not be in demand. An important thing is to make sure you have the right technological solutions to prevent financial loss. When preparing the design of an application from scratch, it is necessary to focus on the human factor. Producing solutions for which there is no interest is not only a waste of time, but also a lot of money.

Save money with the Discovery Phase

Basing your business decisions only on assumptions can be compared to a lottery. Sometimes you manage to choose the right way. But more often it's a case of walking in the dark rather than taking rational action. That's why using a service like Discovery Phase can give your business peace of mind while reducing unnecessary expenses.

Who should use the Discovery Phase of a project?

This service is designed for people who want to have a full-function application that meets the expectations of market participants. If you want to have a complete analysis of technological solutions, competition, as well as users, then DP is made for you. Do you have an idea for your own app and want to finish it? Let us help you through the entire process. We will show you the real potential of your tool and available technological solutions that can be implemented. Have an impact on your budget and make business decisions based on reliable data.

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