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Swift Package Manager Tutorial - How to Create a Modular iOS App?
Every iOS developer that watches Worldwide Developers Conference, or watched it in 2019 at least, heard about something called “Swift Package Manager”. It has a big potential for a very useful tool for managing dependencies. Moreover, it is a big step further in making the coding easier, especially if we will think about iOS apps modularly.
FULL ARTICLERestler iOS Framework - Why Have We Decided to Build Our Own Mobile Solution?
Being a developer requires continuous problem solving and constant growth. This is especially true when it comes to iOS/Swift development as Swift is changing very dynamically and Apple constantly comes up with new solutions for better UX or quicker apps development. Alongside with language development, the way that developers think about the code changes as well.
FULL ARTICLESwift vs React Native Which One Should You Choose to Build Mobile App?
In the last few years, mobile development has become very influential and beneficial. Many different companies think about creating an app for their service (to, for example, streamline the cost management in their company) or develop one as their product, which will become valuable for the users. Both approaches are focused around the idea, that app development purpose is to bring you money. And it is definitely achieveable!