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UX/UI Design Process Steps: How Does it Look Like in Railwaymen?
Have you ever wondered why some companies like Airbnb are successful while others are not? Their mobile application was downloaded over 50 million times in Google Play Store and received excellent app scores 4,6 stars from almost 1 million users. Of course, there are many reasons behind product success. I am 100% sure that one of them is a User Experience. What does it mean? For this article's purposes, I have reached for the definition of User Experience from Nielsen Norman Group (guru of approach UX Design).
FULL ARTICLEA Beginner’s Guide to Agile Software Development
So, I guess you are reading this article because you are looking for a smart way to improve software development. What can Agile Software Development do for your projects? Quite a lot. Agile is known as one of the most effective methods of project management for app development. We can say that it has transformed the way many organizations manage their project right now. Well, most beginners get confused with this technology as they pick only certain features and try to let a tool manage the development process for them.
FULL ARTICLE7 Books on UX Design That I Will Read or Revisit in 2020
I love reading books! Especially those, that help me to grow/develop myself as a UX designer. Why books - you will ask me since we have so many different and FREE articles and podcasts available online. Am I not afraid, that the knowledge inside them is outdated? My answer is NO!
FULL ARTICLEHow to Build Your Digital Marketing Strategy Right?
Marketing nowadays looks a lot different than in the “Mad Men” TV series universe. Instead of spending hours and hours (who has time for that now?!) coming up with the idea that your client will like, selling it, airing on TV/Radio and just moving to the next campaign, you need to build long - term relationships. Especially in the B2B sector.
FULL ARTICLEHow to Implement the Design Thinking Process in Software Development
Design is no longer only about creating a pixel-perfect page. If you're familiar with today's software market, you know firsthand that the standards for what makes a quality app have risen drastically. Most users expect ease of use, a fast loading time, and intuitive interaction that delivers real value.
FULL ARTICLEF8 Conference - What Facebook launched?
F8 Conference was organized in San Francisco by one of the most popular social network influencer Mark Zuckerberg. Although it is intended primarily for developers, with the news presented on it, we can all figure out how Facebook will look in the nearest future.
FULL ARTICLETest Driven Development TDD for reducing costs of software development
Test Driven Development (TDD), developed by Kent Beck in the late 1990's as part of Extreme Programming, is a technique for building products that guides software development by writing tests. Nowadays it is recognized as one of the best ways to ensure software quality and fits superbly into widely used Agile methodologies of IT project management.
FULL ARTICLEStartups on the top
Krakow has become the greatest place for technology business in Poland last time. The word “startup” exists in our life day by day and grow up many times in real products that are offered by companies. I would like to point out three important issues that you have to remember when you create tech start-up.