Google Queries, Railwaymen Responds #1 - Ruby on Rails

Przemysław Łata | 9th April 2024

It's time for the new blog series in which we will track the most frequently asked questions on Google related to our areas of business and provide substantive answers with the help of Railwaymen experts. As the first topic, I have decided to choose the foundation of our company's business - the Ruby on Rails framework used to develop our Ruby applications. In this article, substantive support is provided by Michał Szymański - Senior Ruby on Rails Developer at Railwaymen, for whom the framework has practically no secrets.
Ruby on Rails is an example of a framework that is still trending in the development community as time goes by. For many years now, predictions of the coming end of this functional tool have not come true. When the phrase Ruby on Rails is typed into a search engine, just under 50 million results appear, and among these are many of the queries to which users are looking for answers.

What is Ruby on Rails used for?

Let's start with the basics related to the purpose of the framework in question. Ruby on Rails is an open source framework that enables the development of robust yet scalable web applications. It offers developers a productive environment that promotes code simplicity and ease of maintenance.

Rails is such a versatile framework that it does not restrict application developers to specific industries. Therefore, it will work well for solutions aimed at small start-ups as well as larger enterprises wanting a high-quality business application.

Among the strengths of RoR is its extensive ecosystem of gems, or what are referred to as Ruby libraries, which influence the range of possibilities and the introduction of more advanced features into projects.

Is Ruby on Rails a dying language?

It is very common to see speculation that Ruby is losing popularity and will soon be considered a dead programming language, with the result that Ruby on Rails will prove equally redundant. These are bold judgements unsupported by reality. The Ruby / Ruby on Rails community is so strong and developed that interest in the technology is not dying out. Rather, updates and improvements are constantly being developed to make it easier for developers to work in this environment on a daily basis. In addition, many well-known companies are still keen to use Ruby in the context of their web applications.

Perhaps these kinds of rumors are due to the popularity of languages such as JavaScript and Python, which have reached the mainstream and are in great demand. Nevertheless, Ruby is finding its way very well into its target audience and creates such a comfortable environment for it that there is nothing to suggest that this situation is going to change in any way. We had more arguments on this topic as part of the article "Is Ruby on Rails Dead in 2024?", which can be found on our blog.

What are the current trends in Ruby on Rails?

There is no doubt that on the subject of trends in Ruby on Rails, the most knowledgeable person is Michał, who observes the transformations taking place in these technological solutions every day. That is why I decided to ask him what is currently leading the way in the Rails environment.


senior ruby on rails developer

Michał, Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

“I see two main trends that stand out in the Ruby on Rails framework. The first is about the implementation of APIs. Currently, the most popular type of API is the REST API. In this case, the protocol defines dedicated URLs for resources. The second trend is the phenomenon of application containerisation. In the applications that Railwaymen develops, whether in development, test or production environments, we use containerisation using Docker. This approach allows us to maintain a streamlined deployment process while ensuring that all necessary dependencies are encapsulated in each container."

Does anyone still use Ruby on Rails?

Yes, Ruby on Rails is still readily used by development teams. Its popularity may not be at the same level as that of newer frameworks, but it works well for web application projects for startups and small and medium-sized businesses. 

Not everyone is aware that well-known companies such as Airbnb, Shopify or GitHub rely on the capabilities offered by RoR. Rails in these cases is used in the construction and scalability of the platforms. A major benefit is the support of the community, which is very capable of providing solutions to any potential problems while working on the application. In addition, the ease of learning the basics of Rails and the rich libraries mean that developers enjoy the benefits of Ruby on Rails.

What should I learn before Ruby on Rails?


senior ruby on rails developer

Michał, Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

“If you want to develop using the Ruby on Rails framework, it's essential to have database management skills. Creating proper relationships between business logic requires knowing how to design a database effectively. Additionally, having knowledge of design patterns is highly beneficial. The fundamental pattern used by RoR is the MVC pattern, which divides the application's code into Model, View, and Controller parts. Understanding and implementing these patterns correctly contribute to building robust and maintainable applications in Ruby on Rails.”

Is it hard to learn Ruby on Rails?

It is difficult to give a clear answer to this question, as it all depends on your previous programming experience and commitment to learning. Ruby on Rails can be relatively easy to understand if you have a foundation in languages such as Ruby, Python and JavaScript. Understanding concepts such as variables, loops and functions can greatly speed up the process of learning this framework.

Undoubtedly, RoR is an example of a tool that requires a thorough mastery of the basics. Once you get past the relatively demanding entry level, creating projects should not be too challenging. An additional advantage is the wide availability of comprehensive documentation, tutorials and online forums dedicated to Rails. With these resources, you can immerse yourself in the world of this framework and its concepts much more quickly.

Can I learn Ruby on Rails without Ruby?


senior ruby on rails developer

Michał, Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

“While it's technically possible to learn Ruby on Rails without prior knowledge of Ruby, it's highly recommended to have a solid understanding of the Ruby programming language beforehand. Ruby on Rails, as its name suggests, is built upon the Ruby language, and proficiency in Ruby is essential for effectively utilizing the framework's features and functionalities.

If you're already familiar with other programming languages such as PHP, Python, or Java, transitioning to Ruby shouldn't be too difficult. Many concepts, syntax elements, and programming principles are shared among different languages, making it easier to grasp the fundamentals of Ruby. With some dedicated effort and practice, you can quickly acquire the necessary skills in Ruby to start working with Ruby on Rails.”

Is Ruby on Rails good for the future?

Ruby on Rails can be compared to an iconic TV series that has been generating sympathy among its viewers for many years and still manages to surprise them with its storyline. Although it is now 20 years since the first version of this framework was published, it is still a solid choice for developing web applications. While newer technologies may be emerging in the web development community, Ruby on Rails remains a relevant and viable option for building robust and scalable web applications, making it a good choice for the future.


As you can see, Ruby on Rails is a solution that can bring many benefits when working on a project. It is still a valuable framework, which has the advantage of versatility. There is a reason why it is used by world-renowned corporations that rely on reliable solutions. 

The words of Michał also illustrate that the solution evolves with time. Despite the passage of two decades since the launch of Rails, it is still possible to see the trends and direction of development that the developers are following. In addition to the commercial advantages, we see the positives of working in this programming language. All it takes is a solid approach to familiarize yourself with the key languages and theory on RoR to get started with your first projects in this technology. So harness the power of Ruby on Rails and start your journey towards creating the next generation of web solutions.

We encourage you to keep an eye on our blog and look forward to our next articles. In the meantime, to all those interested in projects in Rails, we recommend our Case Studies, in which we have presented our current projects in detail.


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