10 Best Tech Articles of 2020 at Railwaymen Blog

Katarzyna Dereń | 5th January 2021

The year 2020 is over. It was for us (and most of the worldwide software companies) a year of remote working. Still, we wonder when we will get back to regular work in the office. Nevertheless, these obstacles did not prevent us from developing our content strategy efficiently. It's time to summarize our achievements on the blog.

A lot has happened. In 2020 we strongly focused on our content marketing strategy. As a result, we published almost 70 technology-related articles. Compared to 2019, views on our tech blog raised up 400% (!!!) and the number of blog users grew up 80%.

What kind of content do we publish? We prepare articles that show, on real apps examples, how mobile and web development can improve business. Reliability is vital to us. Each article is preceded by research. We focus on showing technology news, trends, statistics, app market analysis, and software development tutorials.

Table of Contents:

1. Categories of our company's blog.

2. Which topics were most popular? 10 best technology articles on Railwaymen Blog.

2.1. 10th place - Asynchronous Programming With Swift - Introduction to Combine.

2.2. 9th place - 10 Most Interesting and User Friendly Examples of Educational Software.

2.3. 8th place - Ruby on Rails vs Laravel: Which One is Better for App Development?

2.4. 7th place - 13 Best Mobile Applications Written in Swift.

2.5. 6th place - How to Become a Better Junior Developer: 5 Healthy Habits to Learn Right Away.

2.6. 5th place - How to Enroll in the Apple Developer Program and Why It’s So Important?

2.7. 4th place - How to Learn Ruby on Rails: 11 Ways to Become a Great Developer.

2.8. 3rd place - Why Quality Assurance is Important in 2020: 8 Benefits That QA Brings To Your Project.

2.9. 2nd place - How To Evaluate a Project Success: 5 Questions You Should Answer.

2.10. 1st place Golang Tutorial - How to Implement CLI App in 4 Steps Using Cobra?

3. What is the best source for technology news?

4. The best technology articles of 2020 - Conclusion.

Categories of our company's blog:

  • business and technology - everything the application owner needs to know about web & mobile development,

  • web development - a guide for web developers (as Ruby on Rails is our primary technology, a lot of knowledge, news, and tips about it hides there),

  • mobile development - tips and tutorials for mobile developers (especially about Swift),

  • product design - information about UX/UI design, graphic trends, and more.

Which topics were most popular? 10 best technology articles on Railwaymen Blog

Let's focus a little bit on our readers. In general, our statistics show that articles about Ruby on Rails technology and about developing an application from a business point of view are something that our users want to read. Which pieces of content were top of the top?

10th place - Asynchronous Programming With Swift - Introduction to Combine

The best tech article of 2020 - Asynchronous Programming With Swift

The ranking opens a tutorial with an introduction to Combine framework written by a Senior iOS Developer. Each year Apple prepares WWDC (Worldwide Developer Conference) and presents new solutions that every developer should know.

In 2019 Apple introduced Combine (solution for reactive programming). Trying to code by reading only Apple's documentation and tutorials can be a challenge. I suppose you know that because our tutorial is still trending on the Internet. The article also presents a closer look at this technology and its usage.


Introduction to Combine

9th place - 10 Most Interesting and User Friendly Examples of Educational Software

The best tech article of 2020 - 10 Most Interesting Examples of Educational Software

I think we all agree to name 2020 as a Remote Year. Work, shops, medicine, education have moved to the Internet as much as possible. We see that it is a rising trend. Iza focused on education, and she discovered that the potential for this specific sector is enormous.

Online courses and schools gain more and more popularity each year. Building a custom education platform can be really profitable. There are plenty of possibilities in this industry.


10 Most Interesting Examples of Educational Software

8th place - Ruby on Rails vs Laravel: Which One is Better for App Development?

The best tech article of 2020 - Ruby on Rails vs Laravel: Which One is Better for App Development?

Choosing the technology for a project is crucial, especially for complex IT products that will be improved in the future. As a software company, we understand that future app owners need a hand while picking the right technology. That's why comparisons of the frameworks appear on our blog from time to time.

As I already mentioned, RoR is our leading tech, so we decided to show how it compares with other technologies. Ruby on Rails or Laravel? Which one will be better for your app? Guess many of our readers want to know answers to those questions because the comparison of two technologies ranks on our top list.


Ruby on Rails vs Laravel


7th place - 13 Best Mobile Applications Written in Swift

The best tech article of 2020 - 13 Best Mobile Applications Written in Swift

Swift programming language is one of the most important technologies to build iOS apps. This tech allows building apps for all Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, iWatches, etc. Large companies (like LinkedIn, Wikipedia, or Asana) chose it as their primary technology.

Who doesn't like to read overviews? We do, and now we see you like it as well. The article that presents 13 great apps written in Swift gained quite a big audience in 2020. This piece of content also included a short comparison of Swift and Objective-C and the benefits of using Swift for digital business products.


13 Top Mobile Apps Written in Swift


6th place - How to Become a Better Junior Developer: 5 Healthy Habits to Learn Right Away

The best tech article of 2020 - How to become a better junior developer?

Developers are one of the most desirable groups of employees in the current global job market. Software companies offer attractive salaries. No doubt, so many young people want to become one. Entering the world of technology as a Junior Developer can be challenging, especially for those who start their first job in life.

How to face new coding duties? It's good to have some daily healthy habits that will help you stay focused on tasks and improve your skills. We see you appreciate that kind of content. Our article that describes 5 tips on becoming a better programmer takes 6th place in the ranking.





5th place - How to Enroll in the Apple Developer Program and Why It’s So Important?

The best tech article of 2020 - How to Enroll in the Apple Developer Program and Why It’s So Important?

Application development is just the first step of its lifecycle. Sales and marketing strategy is significant for commercial digital products. Adding the application to the App Store is something necessary in that case because it is the first place where people are looking for apps.

Every owner of the iOS app should take care of its appearance in the Apple App Store. Enrollment in the Apple Developer Program is an important step of this process. Our Growth Hacker Iza wrote a tutorial on how to do that.


How to Enroll in the Apple Developer Program?


4th place - How to Learn Ruby on Rails: 11 Ways to Become a Great Developer

The best tech article of 2020 - How to Learn Ruby on Rails: 11 Ways to Become a Great Developer

Are any aspiring programmers here? Surely yes! The article about learning RoR is very popular since it appeared in our web development category. So yes, I did extended research to write it, and you know what? There are plenty of ways to learn how to code web apps in RoR. You can do it through stationary school, online courses, books or many more ways.

Additionally, the article includes tips from the Railwaymen tech team. Developers share their learning experience, and the HR Manager reveals what is most important during recruitment.


How to Learn Ruby on Rails?

3rd place - Why Quality Assurance is Important in 2020: 8 Benefits That QA Brings To Your Project

The best tech article of 2020 - Why Quality Assurance is Important in 2020: 8 Benefits That QA Brings To Your Project

It was a nice surprise that an article that explains the meaning and importance of Quality Assurance in software development became so popular in 2020. Unfortunately, the QA service is still undervalued in the apps development world. Sometimes our clients think that they can test apps by themselves. Well, it is not as easy as it sounds.

Our Quality Assurance Specialists use a set of tools to test the software thoroughly. As a tech company, we aim to build reliable apps that answer current design trends and are 100% bugs and error-free. QA service is necessary to achieve that goal.


Why Quality Assurance is Important in Tech World?

2nd place - How To Evaluate a Project Success: 5 Questions You Should Answer

The best tech article of 2020 - How To Evaluate a Project Success: 5 Questions You Should Answer

Managing business or app development projects can be challenging. It is relatively easy to notice failure, but how to find success? Sometimes it is not so simple, especially when the project's goals evolve while running it.

I am sure that, no matter you want to build a small company website or an extended mobile app, you will have to face the issue "Is my product successful?" It is hard to stay focused on aims and work with confidence while we don't know if it goes in the right direction. The article shows 5 questions you need to answer to evaluate the project's success.


How To Evaluate a Project Success?

1st place Golang Tutorial - How to Implement CLI App in 4 Steps Using Cobra?

The best tech article of 2020 - How To Evaluate a Project Success: 5 Questions You Should Answer

And the winner is... Golang tutorial. Go is a programming language developed by Google employees that recently is trending in the tech world. Nowadays programmers are required to know more than just one programming language.

Knowledge of latest tech news and trends is crucial in that case. That's why our Senior RoR Developer wrote a tutorial about this technology. From the article, you will know what is Golang good for, which companies use it and what are the advantages of this language.


Golang tutorial

What is the best source for technology news?

You are reading this article, so I assume you are interested in technology news. I need to warn you. Not every source found on the Internet is worth your attention and time. Unfortunately, I see the low-quality content over and over again. Not everyone puts the heart into writing. I can tell the difference when the Copywriter was in a hurry, didn't do the research for the topic, or focused strongly on SEO and forgot about the reader's value.

If you are looking for trustworthy sources, my advice is to rely on blogs that engage real IT specialists. Senior RoR Developer will tell you much more about this technology than even the best freelance Copywriter.

The best tech article of 2020 - How To Evaluate a Project Success: 5 Questions You Should Answer

The best technology articles of 2020 - Conclusion:

As a software company with +11 years of experience and over 120 finished digital products, we want to share business and technology knowledge. You'll find texts written by Developers, UX/UI Designers, Project Managers, Business Efficiency Experts, and Marketing Specialists on our blog. Senior Developers or CTO always check and approve technology-oriented articles. 

In 2020 we pushed our content strategy forward. As we can see from the statistics, regular publication of tech news gives long-term benefits in the form of increased traffic. Our goal (of course) is to gain the largest audience possible. We plan to continue regular publishing. 

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