Software Development Blog
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Railwaymen on Tour - we are going Global!
Last year, Railwaymen has become a laureate in Go To Brand contest - project that helps outstanding companies boost their international operations and presence. The main purpose is to support Polish entrepreneurs who direct their activities into highly specialized industries, pave the way for taking a part in global events and other enterprises which might help them accelerate in the near future.
FULL ARTICLETest Driven Development TDD for reducing costs of software development
Test Driven Development (TDD), developed by Kent Beck in the late 1990's as part of Extreme Programming, is a technique for building products that guides software development by writing tests. Nowadays it is recognized as one of the best ways to ensure software quality and fits superbly into widely used Agile methodologies of IT project management.
FULL ARTICLECodeEurope - The largest programming conference in Poland
It has been a special day on December 5th in view of the fact that the largest Polish programming conference took place in Krakow. Together with Railwaymen team, we spent the whole day on interesting workshops and lectures concerning IT world.