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How to Build a Social Media App in 2025? Social App Development Guide
In 2025 there are over 5 billion social media app users worldwide, Facebook is starting to lose its social media impact because of the Daily Active Users drop and the Apple security update, which limits their advertising power, The time of building a social media app differs greatly depending on its scope: for a more complex one like Frindow, it took us 10 months, for a less advanced mobile one - around 4 months.
FULL ARTICLERailwaymen App Development Cost Breakdown - How Much do We Charge?
When deciding to give custom app development a try, we consider various factors. We look at the development company portfolio check their about us section to see the faces we will often be seeing on our calls, and dig through their tech stack to see if it's not from another era. Is there anything I'm forgetting about? Oh yeah, the elephant in the room - the app development cost. How much does it cost to make an app and is it worth your money? Let's find out together!
FULL ARTICLEHow to Redesign a Website Successfully: 21 Things We Learned for 2021
Lots of companies tend to treat their website as a cornerstone. Something that they have built years ago as their online "business card", that they are too afraid to touch. Yet at the same time, 75% of consumers admit to making judgments on a company’s credibility based on its website design. So the data is ruthless - if you want to make money, you HAVE to treat your website as a living, breathing organism that evolves alongside you.
We at Railwaymen have neglected that for too long. But it finally changed!
FULL ARTICLEHow Much Does it Cost to Build a Social Media App in 2025?
In October of 2021, Facebook has reached the number of almost 2,89 BILLION active users worldwide. It’s almost as many as China and India's joint population - and it will definitely not stop on that level!
FULL ARTICLERailwaymen 2020 Recap - How Did We Adjust to the New Normal?
The last year's recap seems now like it has been written in an entirely different reality. And truth be told - it was. I’ve dedicated a lot of space there to our presence at international trade shows (there were 4 of them, and we flew over 28 k kilometers to attend them!), our epic off-line parties, and meeting face to face with our partners. Then 2020 came and put everything upside down.
FULL ARTICLE7 Biggest Web Development Trends for 2025
The history of web applications takes us almost 30 years (!!!) back in time. On December 25th of 1990 at CERN, a Swiss research center, a British physicist and internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee created the world's first web browser, called WorldWideWeb.
FULL ARTICLEHow Long Does it Take to Make An App in 2025
I remember when I was young I couldn’t wait to finish my education. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I hated all of my subjects or wanted to start work at the age of 10 (lol). But I was more focused on getting to the next step, than enjoying the journey itself. Being in kindergarten - I wanted to go to primary school already. When I was in primary school, I wanted to go to highschool. And basically - I could have ended my education there, as, in Poland, it is only obligatory to educate until you’re 18 years old.
FULL ARTICLEHow to Use a Static Site Generator as a CMS Engine [VIDEO]
Without CMS, your website is gonna be very hard to manage. Imagine that you can’t change your contact info, product descriptions, or the slogan you have on your header without the help of a developer. Sounds terrible!
FULL ARTICLE6 Common Reasons Why do Construction Projects Fail
In Cracow Poland, where our Railwaymen team is based, we have this infamous building called “The Skeleton” (in Polish - Szkieletor). It is 92 meters tall, which makes it the highest building in the whole city, higher than the St. Mary's Basilica even!
FULL ARTICLE7 Benefits of Having Your Own Custom Restaurant Management Software in 2025
I love eating out! Discovering new restaurants that have been opened in my city, reading reviews, and experiencing tastes that I would not be brave (or creative!) enough to try out in my own kitchen is a very exciting experience. So when the coronavirus pandemic hit us, after the first shock and making sure that myself and my closest ones are safe I’ve started to order as much food as I could from my favorite places. Why? Because I know, how hard and unpredictable is to run a restaurant - and I didn’t want the places that bring me so much joy to close.